Items We Cannot Accept


  • Please give your items a once-over before you bring them in, as any evidence of the presence of insects (roaches, fleas, termites, etc) will be cause for immediately rejecting your transaction!

  • Anything that cannot be tested. We don’t always have spare cables or controllers for every system, so if you bring an incomplete console, we likely won’t be able to take it.
  • Anything that doesn’t pass the testing phase.

  • Every console has a unique set of tests it must pass before we can consider it sellable, so if it cannot perform adequately, we likely won’t be able to take it.

  • Bootleg, fake, or repro/”fan hack” games, both because of the legality involved and also because we cannot guarantee the quality of the product.
  • Carrying cases, both for consoles and for games. Many cases are made of soft materials, and we cannot clean them adequately to safeguard future owners against any allergens or irritants.
  • Headsets, for the same reasons we can’t accept carrying cases.
  • Scratched discs that have a value lower than the cost of resurfacing them. The resurfacing machine has a set cost of materials for every use, so we can’t always use it on things like outdated sports titles or common games with low values. This is decided at our discretion and fluctuates often.
  • Non-official consoles – for example, the Retron (or any of the other consoles that take multiple types of cartridges), or any non-first party console with games built into it.
  • Discs with top scratches or cracks in them.
  • Empty cases, game manuals, or cover art. While we recognize that these items have value, we’re currently unable to offer them for sale as individual items, and therefore cannot buy them with that intent.
  • Games that require accessories (anything Skylanders, Disney Infinity, EyeToy, Wappy Dog, uDraw, Eye of Judgement, Buzz Mega Quiz, Sing Star, Karaoke Revolution, etc.) EXCEPT for Guitar Hero titles, Rock Band titles, Dance Dance Revolution, PSVR games, and Kinect games.
  • Games that require a server that has been discontinued, including but not limited to:

  • Everquest Online (PS2)
  • FFXI (PS2)
  • MAG (PS3)
  • Starhawk (PS3)
  • SOCOM Confrontation (PS3)
  • Destiny (PS3 and Xbox 360)
  • Evolve (PS4 and Xbox One)

  • First-generation Xbox 360s or any of their cables or hard drives (controllers are okay). You can easily tell a first-generation 360 if it has an external detachable hard drive.
  • Other electronics (cameras, PCs, laptops, phones, calculators, VCRs, CRTs, iPods, tablets, etc.) or media (PC games, PSP movies, CDs, movies, comics, trading cards, Funko Pops, etc.).
  • Cheat devices for disc-based consoles or handhelds (Action Replay, Game Shark, etc.) NOTE: Similar devices for cartridge-based consoles like Game Genies and N64 Game Sharks are okay!
  • Samplers, demos, promotional games, or common pack-in titles (Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt, JamPack, PlayStation Magazine samplers, any of the Burger King Xbox games, Kinect Adventures for Xbox 360, etc.)
  • Anything with severe cosmetic damage, including but not limited to: 

  • Cables with tears in them.
  • Anything wet or excessively rusty
  • Anything with irreparable chemical corrosion inside
  • Any paper items that have water or mold damage
  • Excessively cracked or damaged plastic on consoles
  • Noticeable odor.

  • Strategy guides for games that never needed them in the first place (Madden, CoD, etc.).
  • Used third party controllers, cables, or accessories that weren’t originally purchased from ReGen (including 3-in-1 AV cables, car chargers, etc.).
  • Xbox 360s that don’t have their power AND a controller.
  • Xbox Ones or PlayStation 4s that are missing a controller.
  • Wii Us without the gamepad.
  • Nintendo Switch consoles that are missing the dock (this does not include the Switch Lite).

DISCLAIMER: Be advised that this is a general list and is not meant as a comprehensive guide to what we won’t accept.

The primary factor that determines whether or not we will accept items is our own judgment. Just because something is not listed here doesn’t mean we will accept it.